Microscopios sin lentes oculares

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12 artículos

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  1. Vision Engineering LES01 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Ergo Stand & LED Ring Light
    Vision Engineering LES01
    Microscopio estereoscópico sin ocular Lynx EVO con soporte ergonómico y anillo de luz LED

    Aumento estándar de 6,0-60x

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  2. Vision Engineering LES02 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Multi-Axis Stand & LED Ring Light
    Vision Engineering LES02
    Microscopio estereoscópico sin oculares Lynx EVO con soporte multieje y anillo de luz LED

    Aumento estándar de 3,7-37x

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  3. Vision Engineering LES04 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Ergo Stand & 360° Viewer
    Vision Engineering LES04
    Microscopio estereoscópico sin oculares Lynx EVO con soporte ergonómico y visor de 360°

    Aumento directo de 6,8-68x, Oblicuo 4.2-42x

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  4. Vision Engineering LES03 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Ergo Stand, Floating Stage & LED Ring Light
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  5. Vision Engineering LES05 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Multi-Axis Stand & 360° Viewer
    Vision Engineering LES05
    Microscopio estereoscópico sin oculares Lynx EVO con soporte multieje y visor de 360°

    Aumento directo de 6,8-68x, Oblicuo 4.2-42x

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  6. Vision Engineering LES06 Lynx EVO Eyepiece-less Inspection Microscope with Ergo Stand, LED Ring Light & 360° Viewer
    Vision Engineering LES06
    Microscopio estereoscópico sin oculares Lynx EVO con soporte ergonómico y anillo de luz LED

    Aumento estándar de 6,0-60x

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