Plataformas de trabajo

La ergonomía consiste en adaptar el espacio de trabajo a los trabajadores. Alcanzar una posición elevada, por encima o por debajo, afecta a la salud de su equipo y a la eficacia de sus operaciones. Colocar a su equipo a la altura adecuada para la tarea en cuestión es fundamental. Foundation proporciona toda la estabilidad de las plataformas tradicionales, pero a una fracción de los costes.

Wearwell FP2Foundation Platform Kit with Open Tiles
This modular platform system comes in a range of heights, lengths and widths that makes assembly and installation easier than ever before. The Open version allows free passage of fluids, debris and airflow.
Envío gratuitoTan bajo como USD 255.57
Wearwell FP3Foundation Platform Kit with Diamond-Plate Tiles
This modular platform system comes in a range of heights, lengths and widths that makes assembly and installation easier than ever before. The Diamond-Plate pattern offers more than rugged good looks - it provides undeniable traction!
Envío gratuitoTan bajo como USD 255.57
Wearwell FP1Foundation Platform Kit with Smooth Tiles
This modular platform system comes in a range of heights, lengths and widths that makes assembly and installation easier than ever before. The Smooth version features lift slot for easy removal and is lightly textured to keep workers and wheeled traffic moving.
Envío gratuitoTan bajo como USD 255.57