Cajas de envío ESD

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8 artículos

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  1. Protektive Pak Circuit Board Shipper, Box Only
    Protektive Pak
    Circuit Board Shippers, Box Only

    These circuit board shippers are an economical, efficient method of storing static sensitive electronic devices. They are constructed from a unique buried conductive layer of impregnated corrugated fiberboard with a static dissipative surface.

    Tamaños disponibles

    Tan bajo como USD 3.06

  2. Protektive Pak Plastek™ Circuit Board Shipper, Box Only
    Protektive Pak
    Plastek™ Circuit Board Shipper, Box Only

    Constructed from conductive extruded high impact polypropylene plastic; provides superior strength and durability while also being chemical and moisture resistant. Ideal for use where corrugated and/or paper products cannot be used.

    Tamaños disponibles

    Tan bajo como USD 6.13

  3. Protektive Pak Circuit Board Shippers with Pink Foam
    Protektive Pak
    Circuit Board Shippers with Pink Foam

    These circuit board shippers are constructed from a unique buried conductive layer of impregnated corrugated fiberboard with a static dissipative surface, and include convoluted static dissipative pink polyurethane foam laminated to the top and fitted into the bottom of the container.

    Tamaños disponibles

    Tan bajo como USD 5.56

  4. Protektive Pak Circuit Board Shippers with Black Foam
    Protektive Pak
    Circuit Board Shippers with Black Foam

    Economical, efficient method of shipping or storing circuit boards and other static sensitive electronic devices. Made with black low density conductive convoluted polyurethane foam, which is permanently conductive; will not lose electrical properties or fade.

    Tan bajo como USD 9.56

  5. Protektive Pak Plastek™ Circuit Board Shippers with Black Foam
    Protektive Pak
    Plastek™ Circuit Board Shippers with Black Foam

    Economical and efficient method of shipping or storing circuit boards and other static sensitive electronic devices. The convoluted foam minimizes movement and reduces stress from physical shock.

    Tan bajo como USD 11.18

  6. Protektive Pak Plastek™ Circuit Board Shippers with Pink Foam
    Protektive Pak
    Plastek™ Circuit Board Shippers with Pink Foam

    Economical and efficient method of shipping or storing circuit boards and other static sensitive electronic devices. The convoluted foam minimizes movement and reduces stress from physical shock.

    Tan bajo como USD 8.07

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