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Hakko A1004

Desoldering Nozzle, 0.8mm

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This nozzle is used with the following Hakko Desoldering Tools and Handpieces:

  • Hakko 808 Desoldering Tool
  • Hakko 817 Desoldering Gun
  • Hakko 802 Desoldering Gun
  • Hakko 807 Desoldering Pencil
Precio especial USD 16.14 Precio habitual USD 16.47
Más información
SKU I106048
Modelo del fabricante A1004
Marca Hakko
Forma Cónico/Redondo
Modelo/Serie Boquillas Hakko A1
Compatibilidad Hakko 807, Hakko 808, Hakko 817, Hakko FR-802
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