Dissipative Dual Layer Rubber Material: Provides reliable path to ground and eliminates static charge generation as a worksurface table mat, shelf liner, and cart liner.
Dissipative (1 x 106 to < 1 x 109 ohms Rtt) Top Layer: Meets ANSI/ESD S20.20 worksurface required limit and recommendation of ANSI/ESD S4.1 for contact with ESD susceptible items.
Conductive (< 1 x 104 ohms Rtt) Bottom Layer: The dedicated conductive layer reduces the resistance to ground (Rtg) from the top of the surface to the groundable point ground and allows the mats to be used with ESD workstation monitors.
Heat and Chemical Resistant: May be used with soldering iron, flux, and other chemicals.
Includes Grounding Hardware: 09817 Cord and 09861 Push and Clinch Snap